Saturday, July 12, 2014

Harry Potter in the UK and Ireland
Okay okay, we all knew this was gonna happen. Harry Potter is just the best. No argument there. So, of course whenever I saw anything Harry Potter related I had to take a photo. This series will forever be my favorite. It's timeless and even though some of the books are 500+ pages they never seem too long, but too short. I've reread the series at least 5 times and have no shame in this. Getting the full 8 film collection for Christmas last year was also one of the best gifts I've ever received. Here's a few of my favorites from the books and films to give you a better idea of my obsession.

Characters (other than Harry, Hermione, and Ron): Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, and Severus Snape
Films: Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows pt.1 and pt.2
Books: Philosopher's Stone, Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows
Screening: Deathly Hallows part 2- My brother and I decided at 1am on the release date that we would stay up and go to the 3:30am screening on opening day. It was crazy, but worth it.

Actor: Alan Rickman (with Ralph Fiennes being a close second)

Celebrity crush: Tom Felton

Now onto Harry Potter in Ireland and the UK:

Places I went but not pictured:
St. Paul's Cathedral, London (staircase to Trelawney's classroom)
Piccadilly Circus, London (7th movie pt. 1)

 Cliffs of Moher: Where Harry and Dumbledore search for Slytherin's locket (Voldemort's horcrux) in Voldemort's old childhood torture cave (Ireland)
 Me at the Cliffs (Ireland)
 King's Cross Station (Platform 9 3/4 where Harry catches the Hogwarts Express) (London)
 Platform 9 3/4 (London)
 Sporting the Slytherin scarf because Draco. (London)

 St. Pancras Station (exterior shot when Harry and Ron fly the Ford Anglia and in the epilogue sending their children off to Hogwarts) (London)
St. Pancras Station (London)
 Where Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparate (in the book) to after Bill and Fleur's wedding to escape the Death Eaters (London)
 Millennium Bridge that the Death Eaters twist and demolish in the Half-Blood Prince film (London)

Millennium Bridge (London)
 Tube station Harry and Mr. Weasley use for travel in the Order of the Phoenix film (London)
 Tea at the Elephant House where J.K. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books (Edinburgh, Scotland)
 Elephant House (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  Elephant House (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Best find ever. The UK Adult edition of the first Harry Potter book in a charity shop in the same city that J.K. Rowling wrote it. (Edinburgh, Scotland)

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